My husband and I know what each other wants for their health care. Do we really need Representation Agreements for each other?

If one of you ends up in the hospital in emergency circumstances, you will be able to make decisions for each other. However, it is because you fall into the definition of “temporary substitute decision maker” for each other at that time. On an ongoing basis, you would need a Representation Agreement to discuss your…

We Moved!

Whew! After selling our home and buying a new place 2 months ago, we just finished the construction of the improvements in our new office too and moved in the weekend of August 22nd. A number of months ago I thought this would be great! New beginnings at home and work all at the same…

Off-Road Vehicle Registration??

Did you know? ICBC now requires all off-road vehicles to be registered. The deadline for registration has been extended from June 1st, 2015 to November 1st, 2015. Currently, registration is voluntary but it will become mandatory as of the November 1st deadline. According to ICBC, off-road vehicles include (but are not limited to) golf carts,…